

Tuesday 23 July 2024

La Grace where I dwell in peace

In my château garden, I sit on a swing so high,

Listening to birds sing, beneath the clear sky.

After the rain's soft shower, the air feels so fresh,

My home, La Grace, brings peace like a gentle caress.

Nature's beauty mixes with God's loving grace,

In this small haven, both find a perfect space.

I write poems and think, surrounded by calm,

As birds and sparrows add their soothing psalm.


A crow flies by, while the birds make their nest,

In this tranquil place, I feel truly blessed.

With nature and God, a beautiful blend,

My soul finds its peace, on this swing I depend.

~Dr Intaj Malek

Friday 21 June 2024

About the Book:

Enshrined within the pages of 'Krishna out of his Flute lies a sumptuous collection of poetic verses, exquisite odes resonating with the celestial aura of Krishna in its multifaceted splendour. This anthology transcends the conventional boundaries, unfurling an ornate mosaic adorned with Krishna's divine essence-each verse a portrait capturing the divine playfulness and magnanimity of the revered deity. From the ethereal confinement within a photo frame to the vibrant canvases of modernity's digital realm, these verses intricately weave Krishna's omnipresence, transcending the conventional hymns to embroider a drapery that breathes life into the celestial poems. 

A departure from conventional poetry, the tomes poignantly paints Krishna not merely as a distant deity but as a vibrant, living entity. Here, Krishna steps forth from his mystical flute to merge intimately with his creation, offering solace and guidance amidst the melodies and maladies of modernity. As these verses traverse the realms of human afflictions, they beseech the divine for intervention, infusing the youth with renewed vigor and a revitalized essence of Krishna's timeless divinity-an elixir breathing new life into ancient lores  resonating deeply within the hearts of seekers and dreamers aike.

ISBN :  9788119542659

Divine Publications Ahmedabad

Friday 26 April 2024

Phoebus on La Grace

Today the Phoebus has descended with Grace
Bestowing bounteous mirth on La Grace
But the sunbeam I saw yesterday
Seems vanished or on leave today

No, the sun beam whispered in my ears
I never change my course through the years
It's you, seemed vanished from your course
To enjoy my bliss adhere to time's force

Nature runs and turns and burns in rhythmic way
But the man shuts and cuts and beats and slays
Always he goes astray and weaves hollow dreams
That obstruct the entry of dancing sun beams

- Dr. Intaj Malek

In the Hands of the People

All my friend, elders, country people

Beloved citizens, heed this plea,

Consider well where your vote should be.

Decide wisely, for the future's sake,


Ensure your choice shall not be a mistake.

For the nation's good, choose with care,

Guide it away from darkness and despair.


Hold fast to values, don't give in,

Investigate and think let truth begin.

Justice and fairness, let them prevail,

Keep out corruption, let truth unveil.


Look beyond guarantees, see what's real,

M ake a stand, for the people's appeal.

Never forget, your vote has great might,

O ppose oppression, stand up and fight.

Perhaps it's time for a change of hand,


Question authority, make a strong stand.

Remember, your vote shapes the land,

Seek out justice and equality take a stand.

Tell others too, spread the word,


Unmask falsehoods, let truth be heard.

Voice your concerns, don't be swayed,

Warn others, don't let them fade.

Xenophobia, reject with might, don't abstain,

Yearn for a better future, free from chains.

Zero shall be tyranny, Hitler shall not reign.


~ Dr Intaj Malek

Thursday 28 March 2024

Never alone

Never Alone 

In the world of knowledge, I am never alone, From dawn to dusk,I remain in bustling tone. Surrounded by friends, fans, and many more, In teaching's embrace, ways of muse I adore.

Among students of all hues young and old, In every discipline, my heart deeply unfold. Ashok, Dinesh, Pritesh, and gentle crew, We soar high with Jagu, Nishu, and Lolu too.

Bakar, my brother, forever by my side, Even on way to abode where souls abide. With all my family in their Love's embrace, In books and fans,I find solace and grace.

So when the night may darken the sky, In companionship, my loneliness will die. For in this journey, I am never on loan, In love and learning, I'm never alone.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Sunday 24 March 2024

In the grip of fever

In the grip of humbo humbo fever's sway,

My soul takes flight upon the poet's bay.

With cheeks ablaze and mind a-whirl,

I'm seized by words, like a lyrical pearl.


As fever's fire courses through my veins,

I dance with muses in poetic reins.

In trance-like state, I freely roam,

From philosophy's heights to literature's home.


Oh, fevered brow and fevered plight,

Igniting verses in the dead of night.

From Lol to Pritu, my mind does roam,

As Tennyson's waves my thoughts find home.


With each rise and fall, a verse is born,

In fever's embrace, my spirit's torn.

But thanks, dear fever, for the gift you bring,

A muse in disguise, with every sting.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Saturday 16 March 2024

Shadows of Deceit

In shadows deep, where truth retreats,

Lies a party of deceitful feats.

Thieves and decoits, their masquerade,

Rapists lurk in the dark they've made.


A saga of vein glory and falsehood spun,

By liars and blunderers, they're overrun.

Principles and morals lost, on barren ground,

In this party of pomp,  white lies unbound.


Divide and conquer, their age-old game,

Chaos and anarchy, their claim to fame.

Misleading courts, with twisted tongues,

This party's anthem, where deceit belongs.


Plutocrats and autocrats, there thrive,

In the shadows where truth doesn’t survive.

But in the light of day, we'll stand,

Against this party's tyrant hand.


In the web of lies, citizens are ensnared,

By falsehoods spun, they're left impaired.

Mesmerised youths, in its grip they sway,

Led astray from truth's guiding ray.


Wealth flows freely to businesses grand,

In exchange, mere pennies in hand.

The poor, forgotten, voiceless they stand,

Their cries ignored in this corrupted land.


Yet hope still flickers, a beacon bright,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

For truth will rise, its power untold,

To reclaim what this party has sold.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Saturday 6 January 2024


In this modern maze, relations fray, Once cherished bonds now dim and gray, A mate, a friend, once held so dear, Now used and discarded without a tear.

What once bloomed strong, a sacred tie, Now wears a mask, a shallow lie, A doormat, once a trusted friend, Trampled upon for self-seeking end.

In this world, where connections fade, And genuine bonds begin to cascade, Let's sow seeds of trust and care, Revive the love we used to share.

Let kindness reign, let empathy soar, To rebuild what's lost, and even more, For in these fragile ties, we find our worth, Beyond mere use, a treasure trove unearth.

Let's breathe life into relations' art, And heal the wounds within the heart, For in this modern age's constant churn, True connections, eternal, forever burn.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Sunday 24 December 2023

Rosacea on my cheeks

In a sudden blush, my cheeks turned red, A hue so vivid and glossy like a tale unsaid, As if brushed by makeup's gentle touch, A rosy glow, it seemed, a bit too much.

At first, a beauty in that pink embrace, A lovely pink tint bedecked my face, Days passed, and it ventured more, No pain, no itch, just that rosy lore.

Slowly, its canvas began to grow, lines did show, near eyes and brow, Scales and patches, an unforeseen plan, An older mask on face on a younger man.

Fear clasped tight, I sought a guide, A kind-hearted dermatologist beside, She found the cause, not a dire fuss, Rosacea was it and not Lupus plexus.

Medicines came, in a blend to heal, Antihistamines, a soothing seal, Topical mix, with a professional grace, Restoring to me my original former face.

Originality, a treasure to behold, Weighs heavier than artificial gold, My cheeks, in their natural bloom, Radiate love, dispelling every gloom.

In life's paths too, a lesson for all to find, In Rosacea's dance, brought fear in mind, Originality, as held high in its purest flow, A joy in simplicity and in gentleness glow.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Sunday 17 December 2023

Simpleton Yanko

Once in a quaint village nestled amid rolling hills and lush meadows, lived a simpleton named Yanko. He was a man of endless chatter, possessing a penchant for sharing his thoughts on every topic and person that crossed his path. His words, like a ceaseless river, flowed freely, uncaring of their impact.


On a serene afternoon, Yanko set out to visit his friend Nanko, who had recently met with an unfortunate accident. As Yanko entered Nanko's humble abode, he greeted his friend with a flurry of words, not pausing to notice Nanko's guest, another villager named Tanko, sitting beside the bed.


Yanko, true to his nature, prattled on about everything under the sun. However, his musings took an unexpected turn when he stumbled upon a name—'Ianko.' In his usual fashion, Yanko embarked on a spontaneous monologue about this mysterious Ianko. He spoke of him in a manner that stirred bewilderment in the eyes of Nanko and Tanko, who exchanged surprised glances as Yanko continued, oblivious to their reaction.


Unbeknownst to Yanko, his casual ramblings about Ianko, littered with unintentional fabrications and exaggerated anecdotes, began to circulate within the village. The very air seemed to carry his words, and before long, Ianko's reputation was tainted, tarnished by Yanko's reckless tongue.


Remarkably, Ianko chose not to confront Yanko about the matter. Instead, he chose the dignified path of silence. Yet, Yanko, despite the unintended repercussions of his words, remained unchanged. He never seemed to grasp the weight of his careless chatter or the consequences it wrought upon others.


The village, once a haven of tranquility, found itself caught in the whispers fueled by Yanko's thoughtless banter. And although Ianko silently endured the fallout, Yanko continued his carefree musings, never considering the damage caused by his unfiltered words.


For Yanko, the world remained a canvas where words flowed uninhibitedly, often leaving behind unforeseen marks on the lives of those touched by his thoughtless speech. Yet, despite the lessons life presented, Yanko remained steadfast in his ways, forever lost in the endless stream of his own chatter.

~ Dr Intaj Malek