

Thursday, 28 March 2024

Never alone

Never Alone 

In the world of knowledge, I am never alone, From dawn to dusk,I remain in bustling tone. Surrounded by friends, fans, and many more, In teaching's embrace, ways of muse I adore.

Among students of all hues young and old, In every discipline, my heart deeply unfold. Ashok, Dinesh, Pritesh, and gentle crew, We soar high with Jagu, Nishu, and Lolu too.

Bakar, my brother, forever by my side, Even on way to abode where souls abide. With all my family in their Love's embrace, In books and fans,I find solace and grace.

So when the night may darken the sky, In companionship, my loneliness will die. For in this journey, I am never on loan, In love and learning, I'm never alone.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Sunday, 24 March 2024

In the grip of fever

In the grip of humbo humbo fever's sway,

My soul takes flight upon the poet's bay.

With cheeks ablaze and mind a-whirl,

I'm seized by words, like a lyrical pearl.


As fever's fire courses through my veins,

I dance with muses in poetic reins.

In trance-like state, I freely roam,

From philosophy's heights to literature's home.


Oh, fevered brow and fevered plight,

Igniting verses in the dead of night.

From Lol to Pritu, my mind does roam,

As Tennyson's waves my thoughts find home.


With each rise and fall, a verse is born,

In fever's embrace, my spirit's torn.

But thanks, dear fever, for the gift you bring,

A muse in disguise, with every sting.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Shadows of Deceit

In shadows deep, where truth retreats,

Lies a party of deceitful feats.

Thieves and decoits, their masquerade,

Rapists lurk in the dark they've made.


A saga of vein glory and falsehood spun,

By liars and blunderers, they're overrun.

Principles and morals lost, on barren ground,

In this party of pomp,  white lies unbound.


Divide and conquer, their age-old game,

Chaos and anarchy, their claim to fame.

Misleading courts, with twisted tongues,

This party's anthem, where deceit belongs.


Plutocrats and autocrats, there thrive,

In the shadows where truth doesn’t survive.

But in the light of day, we'll stand,

Against this party's tyrant hand.


In the web of lies, citizens are ensnared,

By falsehoods spun, they're left impaired.

Mesmerised youths, in its grip they sway,

Led astray from truth's guiding ray.


Wealth flows freely to businesses grand,

In exchange, mere pennies in hand.

The poor, forgotten, voiceless they stand,

Their cries ignored in this corrupted land.


Yet hope still flickers, a beacon bright,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

For truth will rise, its power untold,

To reclaim what this party has sold.

~ Dr Intaj Malek