In the age of screens and digital grace, Emerges Krishna, in a modern space, Not with a flute but a smartphone's glow, Guiding us through life, as we ebb and flow.
Modern Krishna, see in virtual attire, A beacon of wisdom, always to inspire, In bytes and pixels, view a cosmic dance, He leads us forward, with gracious advance.
Not in Vrindavan's fields, but in cyberspace, He shares divine love, in every case, His teachings echoed through data streams, Awakening hearts from digital dreams.
With tweets of compassion, and status updates, Modern Krishna guides, and surely elevates, In this digital age, his message is crystal clear, Love, unity, and truth, to hold us all so dear.
No cowherd's flute, but algorithms play, A melody of hope, in the modern day, Modern Krishna, in the web's embrace, Guiding us toward love, in this virtual space.
~ Dr Intaj Malek