In the tale of life, a bond so true, My Pritudo, in every shade and hue, A student, turned son, our fates aligned, In the corridors of time, our hearts entwined.
On a study tour to ports of grandeur, Luxury buses, students full of fervor, He, with his friends, in joyous display, Singing songs, making memories all the way.
With hard work and dedication, he soared, Exams conquered, a gold medal he adored, Yet, in public, shy and trembling at heart, I stood by his side, a new journey to start.
On convocation day, before the crowd's view, I handed him a mic, a challenge to pursue, Fumbling words, his feet shaking and weak, But from that moment on, he started to speak.
Together we ventured, side by side, Teaching and learning, on this selfless ride, Days turned into years, our bond did grow, In his eyes, I saw a radiant glow.
Different by faiths, but our hearts in sync, My name on a wedding card made all think, He chose to honor our bond so pure, In a world of love, we'd always endure.
When I met with accident, painful groans filled the air, Yearning for relief from the burden I did bear, His wife, with utmost care, whispered a plea so sincere, "Just in a day, will recover," was her wish, crystal clear.
In her prayers, in her words so bright, A glimmer of hope in the darkest night, She prayed for healing, a swifter way, "Just in a day," her heart's fervent say.
His daughter calls me "Bapuji" with pure glee, A testament to the love that binds us three, In Pritudo, I see a small Krishna, so bright, Always smiling, spreading love's sweet light.
For eighteen years, jointly on this path we trod, "My Pritudo Nakamo," I tease, with a bond so odd, “Na Kamno” was his ever smiling reply, Our laughter like a melody, reaches the sky.
In Pritudo, I see a little Krishna, so bright, Always smiling, spreading love's sweet light, He's my Kanhudo, my Pritudo always dear, In joyous journey, we hold everything so dear.
~Dr Intaj Malekc