In the realm of mentorship, a story unfolds, Of a student so dear, with a heart of gold. Pritu, like a son, in my life he's become, In his journey, I see a radiant sun.
With wisdom and kindness, he's truly blessed, A spirit so bright, in every test. As my student, he's shone so bright, Guiding his path, with all my might.
But more than just learning, this bond we've found, It's a love that in hearts, is deeply bound. Pritu, like a son, a beacon of light, In his dreams, I find pure delight.
And alongside him, stands his loving wife, Mansi, the guardian of his life. More than just dear, like a daughter she'll be, In this beautiful family, love flows free.
Their daughter Prinsi, a princess of grace, In her innocent smile, love finds its place. A bond that will flourish, life after life, With blessings and love, through joy and strife.
This bond, a treasure, forever it'll soar, In hearts filled with love, forevermore. Pritu, Mansi, Prinsi, a family's embrace, A love story that time will never erase.
~ Dr Intaj Malek
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