

Friday 29 September 2023

Krishna Chatterati

In the modern halls of knowledge, students gather 'round, Their voices like a symphony, in wisdom they are bound, Each field of study, a chapter to explore, But when they speak of Krishna, they seek something more.

The science and tech minds, with logic sharp and clear, Discuss Krishna in equations, beyond what we hold dear, The cosmic dance, the universe's grand design, In every star and galaxy, they see his light shine.

Space science students, with dreams of worlds untold, Speak of Krishna in the cosmos, where mysteries unfold, They ponder on his presence in the vast expanse, In black holes, nebulae, a cosmic cosmic dance.

Psychology students delve deep into the mind, In the realm of thoughts and emotions, they find, Krishna as the seeker, in the human soul's expanse, In the psyche's labyrinth, his love and wisdom enhance.

Humanity students explore life's varied art, They see Krishna in every story, a beating heart, In literature, in history, in cultures far and wide, His essence, like a thread, through every narrative does glide.

Management students, with plans and strategies in tow, Talk of Krishna's leadership, how to make ideas flow, In leadership lessons, they find his guidance so divine, In managing life's challenges, his wisdom they align.

But amidst all this chatter, in wisdom's grand array, A little princess speaks, her innocence on display, To her friend Yashvi, with a smile so bright, She says, "Krishna is ours, in the purest light."

In the world of chatterati, where knowledge does unfurl, Krishna belongs to every heart, every boy and every girl, In unity and love, their voices shall resound, For Krishna's grace is boundless, forever to be found.

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