

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Merging with Krishna

In the quiet moments, I utter your name, Krishna, Krishna, in endless acclaim, But have I asked, in this one-sided devotion, For your presence, your divine emotion?

Is it I, who over-glorify your divine name, Or dear Krishna, do you lay your claim? In truth, the soul is you, and you are it, In this dance of delight, we find our spirit lit.

It's the pure consciousness, the soul's pure delight, In the name of Krishna, in the day and the night, When we see a rose, a beauty so divine, It's the soul within us, in its essence, we entwine.

External Krishna, and the one deep inside, In this sacred union, our spirits do confide, The supreme beauty, in the depths we explore, As innermost Krishna, with outer, does implore.

In this divinity, in this Krishna's grace, The merging of the external, with the inner space, This is pure consciousness, the divine's own art, Where Krishna and the soul, in love, never depart.

So, in every utterance, in Krishna's sweet refrain, The inner Krishna wakes, and we begin to gain, A glimpse of the beauty, within and without, In Krishna's name, souls dance, without a doubt.

~Dr Intaj Malek

Sunday 1 October 2023

Krishna in Mythology

In modern times, where myths and legends blend, I speak of Krishna, a timeless message to send, With mythology's wisdom, we rekindle the old, In a modern world, his captivating tale is retold.

From Greece's Olympus to the Nile so grand, From Norse mythology's icy northern land, Krishna stands, a symbol of love so pure, In tales from world, his essence does endure.

As Vishnu's avatar, in the pious Hindu lore, He's the flute-playing god, whom we adore, But in modern context, his teachings transcend, Cultures and religions, they harmoniously blend.

In Greece, he's the harmony of Apollo's lyre, In Egypt, a symbol of resurrection from the mire, In Norse myth, he is a warrior's courage so bold, In Krishna's love and wisdom, world finds its mold.

His lessons of compassion, love, and grace, In every culture's myth, we find their trace, For in a modern world, his message still stands, A universal truth, across all earthly lands.

So, Krishna, in myth and modernity's race, Your teachings of love are a timeless grace, In changing world your wisdom we unfold, For in every mythology, your story is retold.

Krishna for all seasons

Krishna, a timeless presence, in all season's grace, A smile of divinity, on nature's magnanimous face, In spring, he's budding flower, in colours that delight, A symbol of regeneration, in every petal's flight.

In summer's scorching heat, he's the shade of a tree, Offering cool respite, to every birds and weary bee, His love, like a gentle breeze, in every leaf's caress, In the warmth of the sun, his radiance we confess.

As autumn leaves fall, he's the harvest's golden sheaf, In the bounty of the earth, his presence is the chief, A giver of abundance, in every grain and corn, Krishna, the provider, from the day he was born.

In winter's icy grasp, he's the hearth's warming glow, In the cold and quiet, his love begins to flow, A comfort in the cold, in the fire's gentle dance, Krishna, the eternal, in every season's trance.

Through the cycle of seasons, his essence thrives, In the changing world, his love forever survives, Krishna, in every time, in every vibrant hue, A symbol of eternal love, forever shining through.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Krishna Krishna Children Play

In childhood's realm, where joy takes flight, I glimpsed children's play, pure and bright, Two groups, both chanting Krishna's name, In their world of fancy, they staked their claim.

Ideas emerged, to set their groups apart, With divine names, they could make a start, Yet, to my surprise, a choice they did agree, To play as Krishna Krishna, both wild and free.

Their games played on, in laughter and delight, Till one group's triumph, in the fading light, But their words astounded, with wisdom in their tone, "Krishna knows no victory or loss," they've shown.

It's we, the earthly players, etched in game's decree, In victory and defeat, we dance or fight you see, Krishna's essence soars, beyond this mortal beat, In his name, we find solace, in joy and in defeat.

In the innocence of youth, they revealed a treasure, Krishna's love and wisdom, beyond worldly measure, In triumph or in loss, he remains steadfast and true, Krishna Krishna, their refuge, in everything they do.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

In Krishna’s light

In Krishna's wisdom, a message does unfurl, All religions are divine, for the good of the world, Christ is compassion, in his teachings we find, A boundless love to heal the whole humankind.

Krishna, the embodiment of love's sweet grace, Guiding us with kindness, in every path we trace, Muhammad preaches peace, in words and deeds, A message of unity, where love he eternally feeds.

Buddha, in empathy, shows the way to care, For every living being, in his tranquil prayer, Zoroaster brings joy, a light in darkest night, Guiding us towards goodness and pure light.

All prophets and sages, their message so true, Preach love, compassion, in all that they do, But God wonders, as he gazes from above, Why do humans miss the message of pure love?

In child’s heart, a prayer does take flight, For unity and understanding, in love's light, There lies in each faith, message is the same, To love, to care, to harmonise all we may frame.

Oh Krishna, in your light, help us see the way, To embrace the truth, in every faith, every day, For in love, compassion, peace, and joy we find, A common thread for uniting all of humankind.

Friday 29 September 2023

Krishna Consciousness

In days of yore, poets adored with heartfelt grace, A Krishna of devotion, in verses they'd embrace, Krishna, international consciousness, they'd proclaim, Yet, did Krishna truly reign, or was it just a name?

Chanting "Hare Krishna," a practice so devout, Yet, does it capture the essence beyond doubt? Pure consciousness, finds its sweetest song, But in chanting where does practise belongs?

For Krishna, if alive, would surely ask of thee, More than lip service, in devotion let it be, Practicing Krishna consciousness, not just for show, But in deeds and thoughts, let pure submission flow.

Symbols, be they spangles or emblems of old, Do they truly represent hearts' stories untold? Practicing isn't mere adornment we bestow, It's in helping one another, in our actions, we grow.

In words and deeds, let Krishna's love define, Our actions guided by compassion's pure sign, In thoughts and actions, let kindness be our creed, That's Krishna consciousness, we all should heed.

So let's not simply chant, but with hearts aligned, To Krishna's message of love, forever intertwined, In deeds, words, and thoughts, let devotion be, A testament of pure love, for all the world to see.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Krishna Chatterati

In the modern halls of knowledge, students gather 'round, Their voices like a symphony, in wisdom they are bound, Each field of study, a chapter to explore, But when they speak of Krishna, they seek something more.

The science and tech minds, with logic sharp and clear, Discuss Krishna in equations, beyond what we hold dear, The cosmic dance, the universe's grand design, In every star and galaxy, they see his light shine.

Space science students, with dreams of worlds untold, Speak of Krishna in the cosmos, where mysteries unfold, They ponder on his presence in the vast expanse, In black holes, nebulae, a cosmic cosmic dance.

Psychology students delve deep into the mind, In the realm of thoughts and emotions, they find, Krishna as the seeker, in the human soul's expanse, In the psyche's labyrinth, his love and wisdom enhance.

Humanity students explore life's varied art, They see Krishna in every story, a beating heart, In literature, in history, in cultures far and wide, His essence, like a thread, through every narrative does glide.

Management students, with plans and strategies in tow, Talk of Krishna's leadership, how to make ideas flow, In leadership lessons, they find his guidance so divine, In managing life's challenges, his wisdom they align.

But amidst all this chatter, in wisdom's grand array, A little princess speaks, her innocence on display, To her friend Yashvi, with a smile so bright, She says, "Krishna is ours, in the purest light."

In the world of chatterati, where knowledge does unfurl, Krishna belongs to every heart, every boy and every girl, In unity and love, their voices shall resound, For Krishna's grace is boundless, forever to be found.

Krishna encounters a Cobra

In the modern realm, by Yamuna's gentle flow, A tale of Krishna, from ages ago, She cobras emerged, their message so clear, To young Krishna in the waters, they drew near.

"Dear child," they implored, voices soft and kind, "Leave this river's depths, dangers here you'll find, The cobra, our king, with venom's might, May harm you, dear Krishna, in the water's light."

But Krishna, a smile on his radiant face, Held a world of wisdom, in this sacred space, He listened to their plea, so heartfelt and pure, Then spoke of compassion, his love's enduring lure.

"Dear sisters of the river," he gently did say, "Though fearsome your king, in the water's sway, I shall not leave your realm, nor bring him harm, But a message of love, I wish to share, to charm."

With those words of grace, he moved through the stream, Where dark waters whispered, like a distant dream, The cobra, their king, rose from depths below, In his fiery gaze, Krishna's love did glow.

The cobras bowed low, their gratitude profound, For Krishna's compassion, in that moment, they found, He left the river's depths, but not without a trace, Of love, kindness, and grace, in that sacred space.

In modern times, this tale still holds its sway, Of Krishna's wisdom, love's enduring display, For in the depths of life's rivers, dark and wide, His compassion flows, like an eternal tide.

~Dr Intaj Malek

Modern Day Krishna

In a world of modern times, Krishna's youth unfurls, No mythic realm, but a tale for our modern world, Not tales of magic flutes or celestial powers, But a child of wonder, in our midst, he towers.

No myths of butter thievery or playful pranks, Instead, a youth of kindness, who always gives thanks, With eyes that sparkle with curiosity so bright, He navigates life's challenges with all his might.

In a world of smartphones and screens so vast, Krishna's charm endures, a memory meant to last, No divine plays in forests or battles to wage, But in acts of compassion, he writes a modern page.

He's the child who cares for nature's fragile grace, Lends a hand to those in need, with a smiling face, In the digital age, he's the voice for the voiceless, A champion of justice, in a world that's often noiseless.

Krishna's childhood in a modern light, we see, A symbol of love, hope, and unity, No mythic past, but a message for our time, In every act of kindness, his spirit does shine.

So let us embrace this Krishna of today, In our hearts, his love and wisdom will always stay, In a modern world, his childhood tale unfolds, A symbol of love, compassion, as life unrolls.

~ Dr Intaj Malek

Krishna not chained in temples

Krishna, not confined to temple's sacred halls, Beyond worship's bounds, his presence enthralls, A pure consciousness, love's eternal stream, He's the very soul within each living dream.

He's more than an idol, more than divine, A philosophy, an idea, in every heart, he'll shine, Life within a life, a soul within a soul, In every atom's dance, his presence makes us whole.

No songs of glory, like Meera or Raskhan's praise, Yet Krishna's wisdom guides our earthly maze, A practical Krishna, inspiration's gentle chime, In every moment's challenge, he transcends time.

Not chained to temples, in huts of slums he dwells, In open skies where boundless ambiance swells, A Krishna beyond space, beyond time's decree, Here and hereafter, he's with us, forever free.

So, in the huts and open sky, he finds his place, The Krishna of our souls, in every loving embrace, Beyond mere worship, he's our daily guide, Inspirational Krishna, forever by our side.

~ Dr Intaj Malek